Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 718

Chapter 718


Jennie, where did you explore today? Tyrone inquired casually.

Jennie described everything with a Lively and eloquent narration.

The woman sitting next to them didnt notice them at first but was intrigued by Jennies storytelling. She couldnt help but remark, How old is your daughter? She speaks so well. My son is already in elementary school and doesnt articulate half as well as she does.

Jennie beamed and replied, Im four years old.

Only four? What a bright child! The womans surprise turned into an endearing smile directed at Jennie. Youre doing a wonderful job with her education. Shes intelligent and polite. A lovely girl! With parents as good-looking as you two, your child is bound to be a charmer.

Sabrina felt slightly embarrassed. With a half-smile, she explained, Shes not my daughter. Shes my niece.

The womans expression shifted to confusion. Oh, I apologize. She resembles you both so much that I thought she was your daughter.

As the woman spoke, she discreetly glanced at Tyrone, seated across from Sabrina.

Sabrinas cheeks flushed red as she glanced at Tyrone, feeling awkward.

She quickly clarified, Hes not my husband.

Are you siblings, then? The little girl is his daughter, I assume? the woman asked.

Jennie set things straight. Maam, hes not my father. Hes my uncle.

Oh, I understand now. The woman turned around, embarrassed.

Tyrone put a piece of fish on Sabrinas plate. Lets enjoy our meal.

Sabrina met his gaze and said coldly, You know, Im done eating. Since youre here, take your time. Im leaving.

She rose and bid Jennie farewell, saying, Jennie, its getting Late. I have to go now.

And you havent even had the fish yet. You must still be hungry.

Its alright. Ive had enough.

Sabrina had a wonderful day exploring various scenic spots in Mathias with Jennie and her new camera. She spent the day honing her photography skills while bringing Jennie along for the adventure.

Tyrones brows furrowed as he regarded Sabrina. Why do you resist seeing me so much?

I believe youre well aware of why I dont want to see you.

